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Please request that checks are made payable to Theatre Harrisburg and mailed to the following address:

Theatre Harrisburg
513 Hurlock Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110

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Many companies and organizations have matching gift programs that will double or even triple your contribution. For more information, please contact your employer’s department of Human Resources.

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The future of Theatre Harrisburg is vital to the Harrisburg community as well as the entire Capital Region. In order to sustain this important cultural organization in perpetuity we hope you will consider making a planned gift to Theatre Harrisburg.

There are several easy ways to include Theatre Harrisburg in your estate plans.

Charitable Bequests: 
A charitable bequest made through your will or retirement account is one of the simplest ways that you can make a significant contribution to help us to maintain and improve the important work we do in our community. Bequests can be made in the form of a gift of cash or property or as a percentage of the residual estate.

Named Beneficiary:
Any asset with a death benefit such as life insurance, retirement plans, commercial annuities, or bank or brokerage accounts can be left as a gift to Theatre Harrisburg.

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Theatre Harrisburg has an endowment that you can contribute to in order to invest in the future of our almost 100-year-old institution! Our fund is managed by The Foundation for Enhancing Communities.



Volunteers are essential to the operation of Theatre Harrisburg. Interested in joining our ranks? Contact us today!

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With just a few clicks you can support the Theatre every time you shop on Amazon – for free!

Theatre Harrisburg is a part of AmazonSmile, a charitable feature of the popular online retailer that provides an automatic way for you to contribute to the Theatre every time you shop. It takes less than five minutes to sign up for AmazonSmile, and once it’s done, 0.5% of every purchase you make on Amazon will go to the Theatre!

  1. Simply click and use “Harrisburg Community Theatre” as your charity of choice by clicking the yellow “Start Shopping” button.
  2. Then, bookmark as your main Amazon landing page.
  3. You’re all set!

Now every time you shop on Amazon and use as your starting page, you will be helping an arts institution that has been serving the Capital region since 1926!

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The future of Theatre Harrisburg is vital to the Harrisburg community as well as the entire Capital Region. In order to sustain this important cultural organization in perpetuity we hope you will consider making a planned gift to Theatre Harrisburg.

There are several easy ways to include Theatre Harrisburg in your estate plans.

Charitable Bequests: 
A charitable bequest made through your will or retirement account is one of the simplest ways that you can make a significant contribution to help us to maintain and improve the important work we do in our community. Bequests can be made in the form of a gift of cash or property or as a percentage of the residual estate.

Named Beneficiary:
Any asset with a death benefit such as life insurance, retirement plans, commercial annuities, or bank or brokerage accounts can be left as a gift to Theatre Harrisburg.


If you have any questions, or want to discuss options, please contact our Executive Director, Lorien Reese Mahay, at [email protected]. Thank you!

Theatre Harrisburg is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll-free (800) 732-0999.

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